Friday, June 13, 2008

Thing #12

An important point I found was made on Drape's Takes: Edublogger Etiquette blog. It explains that it is important to respond to comments made about your posts. After making a post, it is important to revisit it and respond to any comments that are made in order to maintain active communication. Making a "post and run" is a punishable online offense!

Another point that I thought was valid was found on The Blue Skunk Blog. Basically, every blogger enjoys comments from other users and feedback. Follow the rule of treating others as you would like to be treated. Comment on other blogs and participate in online discussions. Your contributions will be appreciated and most likely reciprocated on your blog.

I commented on 5 participating Library2Play blogs. This was an easy task. I was impressed with everyone's blogs and ideas. It made me want to step my game up! (I'm a bit competitive)

I commented on 2 non-Library2Play blogs that I stumbled on in my online journey. One was a trashy entertainment/celebrity blog. (My guilty pleasure!) The other was a blog about public education. I commented on a post about standardized tests. Oh, TAKS! You are so controversial and always the source of great debate!

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