Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thing #2

One of the 7.5 habits of lifelong learners that struck me as the hardest is viewing problems as challenges. Sometimes I focus on the negative aspects of things rather than embracing them as obstacles to overcome. I'm not one to give up when I encounter problems and begin to struggle, but I will complain using colorful language along the way. I am now going to try to look for the "silver lining" in tough situations and examine how they will make me stronger and better.
The habit that I know is easy for me is using technology to my advantage. I am a proactive person who seeks out information, skills, teachers, etc. I'm not afraid to ask for help and am good at helping myself. Do-it-yourself projects do not scare me. I often use the Internet to find how-to instructions, recipes, and instructions. Hence me taking the course 23 Things!

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